Chris Worfolk


Charity work

Anxiety Leeds

Anxiety Leeds

I run a fortnightly peer-led self-help group for people struggling with anxiety. Anyone dealing with panic attacks or anxiety related issues are welcome to attend. Website.


Book cover

Technical Anxiety

Do you want to enjoy life more while controlling your anxiety? Does it prevent you from leading a "normal" life? Do you beat yourself up for failing to achieve your goals and feel like there is nothing you can do about it?

If so, Technical Anxiety: the complete guide to what anxiety is and what to do about it is the book for you. It helps you:

  • Understand what anxiety is and how it works
  • What treatment options are open to you
  • Develop short-term coping strategies to get you through
  • Create an "anxiety-friendly" lifestyle through diet, exercise, learning and social relationships
  • Replace the self-critical version of yourself with an encouraging, more positive one

Technical Anxiety offers you honest, practical advice on every aspect of anxiety including talking to friends and family, seeking help, the benefits and downsides of drugs and therapy options, maintaining wellbeing and what problems you can expect to meet along your journey.

See the books page for more details.


Worfolk Anxiety Management

Worfolk Anxiety Management

Discover all of my anxiety and mental health resources in one place. WAM (pronounced "Wham!" of course), includes all of my books on anxiety, our weekly Live Better newsletter, a high-quality blog and my anxiety podcast. Visit us at